How to end Premature Ejaculation?

Premature Ejaculation (PI) is a common issue in modern men, due to anxiety of performance and overconsumption of pornography. By watching pornography several times over a long period of your life via the so called Porn-Masturbation-Orgasm (PMO) cycle, after a certain amount of times performing PMO, your only concern becomes to finish that cycle to reach orgasm and "be done with it". Hence by reducing the amount of time in the masturbation phase, the time when your penis is stimulated before reaching the orgasm peak, you incude into your body the routine of a quick phase of stimuli of the penis before reaching the climax, basically you induce into your body the mindset of "get done with it ASAP".

I suffered myself with this issue for many years and eventually I could completely resolve it, hence, after a long study of the subject on the medical literature and going through the problem myself, I provide herein a simple list of tasks you could perform to end that issue. This is a serious issue, because it avoids you to create pleasure in your partner, since during intercourse women tend to reach orgasm later than man, which suffer from PE.

  • Do not consume pornography
  • If you masturbate (without pornography), have a timer watch and be sure to last at least 5 minutes with constant slow strokes and slow breathing; then increment time to 7, 10, or even 20 minutes.
  • Make sure to control breathing during sex, make sure to breathe slowly.
  • Meditation or Ioga (on weekly basis)
  • Make sure your bladder is fully empty before sex
  • Some condoms may help, since they have inner numbing products
  • Very slow masturbation with ejaculation 2 hours before sex might also help
  • Kegel exercises are very important because they strengthen the pelvis muscles, a simple tip is to hold urine three times for 5 second each time, every time you need to urinate
  • Do Adductor Exercises, any decent gym as an adductor machine
  • During sex, choose positions where you can force the knees together, since the open legs open the perineal zone helping you to lose control
  • Good sleep and physical exercise in general also help a lot